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Statement of Activities (in 1000's)
Lamont Sources and Uses of Revenue FY2020
- Sources of Revenue
- National Science Foundation
- FY'19
- 40,101
- FY'20
- 34,359
- Sources of Revenue
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- FY'19
- 4,425
- FY'20
- 3,860
- Sources of Revenue
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- FY'19
- 1,243
- FY'20
- 1,085
- Sources of Revenue
- National Institute of Environmental Health and Safety
- FY'19
- 1,546
- FY'20
- 1,077
- Sources of Revenue
- Department of Energy
- FY'19
- 676
- FY'20
- 576
- Sources of Revenue
- Office of Naval Research
- FY'19
- 167
- FY'20
- 124
- Sources of Revenue
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- FY'19
- -
- FY'20
- 451
- Sources of Revenue
- U.S. Geological Survey
- FY'19
- 364
- FY'20
- 508
- Sources of Revenue
- Environmental Protection Agency
- FY'19
- 219
- FY'20
- 117
- Sources of Revenue
- New York State
- FY'19
- 86
- FY'20
- 149
- Sources of Revenue
- Miscellaneous Federal Funds
- FY'19
- 521
- FY'20
- 486
- Sources of Revenue
- Total Government Grants - Direct & Indirect
- FY'19
- 49,348
- FY'20
- 42,792
- Sources of Revenue
- Private Grants
- FY'19
- 4,043
- FY'20
- 8,329
- Sources of Revenue
- Endowment Income
- FY'19
- 7,634
- FY'20
- 7,686
- Sources of Revenue
- Gifts
- FY'19
- 3,088
- FY'20
- 1,790
- Sources of Revenue
- Miscellaneous
- FY'19
- 501
- FY'20
- 693
- Sources of Revenue
- Indirect Sources
- FY'19
- 12,161
- FY'20
- 14,204
- Sources of Revenue
- Total Non-Government Sources
- FY'19
- 27,427
- FY'20
- 32,701
- Sources of Revenue
- Total Sources
- FY'19
- 76,775
- FY'20
- 75,493
- Sources of Revenue
- FY'19
- FY'20
- Sources of Revenue
- Uses of Revenue
- FY'19
- FY'20
- Sources of Revenue
- Research Expenses
- FY'19
- 40,699
- FY'20
- 39,973
- Sources of Revenue
- Operation and Maintenance of Plant
- FY'19
- 5,012
- FY'20
- 4,792
- Sources of Revenue
- General and Financial Administration
- FY'19
- 4,561
- FY'20
- 4,635
- Sources of Revenue
- Other Instruction-Related
- FY'19
- 10,469
- FY'20
- 11,553
- Sources of Revenue
- Equipment
- FY'19
- 3,466
- FY'20
- 947
- Sources of Revenue
- Debt Service
- FY'19
- 1,406
- FY'20
- 1,413
- Sources of Revenue
- External Affairs and Fundraising
- FY'19
- 864
- FY'20
- 870
- Sources of Revenue
- Information Technology
- FY'19
- 838
- FY'20
- 845
- Sources of Revenue
- Indirect Transfers
- FY'19
- 8,301
- FY'20
- 10,342
- Sources of Revenue
- Total Uses of Revenue
- FY'19
- 75,616
- FY'20
- 75,371
- Sources of Revenue
- Net Operating Gain/(Loss)
- FY'19
- 1,159
- FY'20
- 122
- Sources of Revenue
- Capital Expenses
- FY'19
- (1,035)
- FY'20
- (1,090)
- Sources of Revenue
- Subtotal Non-Operating Expenses
- FY'19
- (1,035)
- FY'20
- (1,090)
- Sources of Revenue
- Beginning Fund Balance
- FY'19
- 13,355
- FY'20
- 13,479
- Sources of Revenue
- Ending Fund Balance
- FY'19
- 13,479
- FY'20
- 12,511
Lamont Uses of Revenue (%) FY2020
- Use
- Research Expenses
- %
- 53%
- Use
- Operation and Maintenance of Plant
- %
- 15%
- Use
- General and Financial Administration
- %
- 14%
- Use
- Other Instruction-Related
- %
- 7%
- Use
- Equipment
- %
- 6%
- Use
- Debt Service
- %
- 2%
- Use
- External Affairs and Fundraising
- %
- 1%
- Use
- Information Technology
- %
- 1%
- Use
- Indirect Transfers
- %
- 1%